Beginner and intermediate level.
Fully illustrated handbook with colour photos and drawings.
Step-by-step explanations, simple and complete.
MSFX includes suppliers and technical assistance by phone, email, post or in person.
No products supplied.
Cuts, holes, noses, humps, sicknesses, etc. using derma wax or gelatin.
Burn with acid.
Burn with flame.
Make fake blood.
Highlight and shadow.
Age faces and hands using makeup and latex.
Create blade weapon effects (knives, swords, etc.)
Create bruises (several steps).
Bald cap.
Products used for special effects.
440.00$CAN* (plus taxes, shipping and handling if applicable).
Payable in one installment.
Interac e-transfer, bank transer, money/bank order, certified cheque, Square or Paypal.
Cash payment, in person on site.
Square, Paypal, following credit cards: Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express1.
No products supplied.
*Price subjetc to change without notice. 1Fees apply.